Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 5th, 2012

Had a LOT of work today. We helped to finish framing the studs in the classroom, had hot dogs, french fries, and papaya for breakfast. Afterwords we (Jeremiah and I) ha dot mow. Let me describe this job to you... it's RIDICULOUS!!!  Their grass is long and thick! You'd think being in a desert it wouldn't be to bad of a chore... but that was the hardest job ALL week. So we worked long and hard on it, my arms and legs were killing me by the time we finished. The total area of grass, was only about a 1/4 of our yard... but it took FOREVER! We also had to weed-eat, and then blow all the grass of the sidewalks, which reminds me. There were trees, and sidewalks, and some other things we had to work around, which just made it harder :p But... we finished that around 2, maybe 2:30... and then we relaxed! Just kidding, then we carried about 30 sheets of drywall up to the classroom. -_- Finished those things, and then went and finished our Bible study. Praying it goes well! Lunch was tacos & rice, dinner was Ham & Cheese subs =)

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