Monday, October 3, 2011


..."Honor Begins At Home"

Sunday night we went down to the closet theater showing Courageous, with the Niz, Q's, H's, and B's. It Was AWESOME!!!! This movie is sooooooo much fun to see!
We all met at Life Chain, and then got PIZZA!!!!! yum :D hung out at Lions Club park, playing Frisbee and Volleyball, then loaded up the cars headed for the nearest Mobil On the Run, and then went to the Theater. We all cried! it was such a good movie, with an awesome point! But if you're a dad and you don't want to run a 5K I might not recommend this movie!!! ;D you'll get it if you watch the movie.

Sooooooo.... I hope you had a GREAT weekend, 'cause I did, and hope you have a great week! For all those of you who are 'fortunate' enough to have schoolwork, good luck! lol :D


Anonymous said...

Ah, that is an amazing movie! And it was so much fun watching it with everyone. :) Anna and I cried a whole bunch, and I'm afraid we disturbed a few people in the back with our loud sniffling,but oh was definitely worth it, and I didn't feel so bad when I looked around, and everyone else was in tears too. ;) Somehow though, I'm having a really hard time seeing you cry over a movie...tell me, is this true?! ;D

Hehe...and btw, great blog! Keep it up. :) I'll have to let you know when my blog is up and's in dire need of followers. :P

Gabe said...

Yeah, its such a good movie! =,) 'sniff' lol ok, so in the Niz's car we asked who had cried and everybody raised their hands! ;D Joel said that he tried to hold it in at first, then he decided that it wasn't worth it. So he just let his emotions go! I actually cry a lot of times during movies, its weird I don't cry in real life but when I watch movies I can get pretty emotional! =/ weird, right???